
Saturday 16 May 2009

Class war - New Statesman style

Peter Wilby in this week's New Statesman comments on the MPs expenses scandal and brings it all back to class, well this is the New Statesman.
"If we must have grasping representatives, I prefer those who charge for the mundane things you or I may buy, such as lavatory seats, hanging baskets, saucepans and £3.49 bottles of Tesco wine – and who care enough to use bath plugs rather than let water go to waste – to those who charge for moats, paddocks, chandeliers and horse manure. When they go to the hustings, Labour MPs should point out their expenses are those of the decent working class, while Tories charge toffs’ expenses."
"decent"? I think not.

As I have predicted before, the next general election campaign is going to be nasty as the cornered Labour party fight dirty.

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