
Thursday 14 May 2009

Elliot Morley and the BBC reporting

"Former minister claimed for mortgage that did not exist" is The Telegraph's headline for the story that has the sub-heading "Labour MP Elliot Morley claimed parliamentary expenses of £16,000 for a mortgage which had already been paid off. " The article itself starts:
"A former Labour minister claimed parliamentary expenses of more than £16,000 for a mortgage which had already been paid off.

Elliot Morley, the former agriculture minister, continued claiming for the mortgage interest on his constituency home for more than 18 months after the loan had been repaid.

Lawyers last night said that the claims could constitute a criminal offence under the 2006 Fraud Act and the 1968 Theft Act...."

The BBC meanwhile choose the headline "MP admits mortgage expense error" and summarise the story
"Ex-minister Elliot Morley says he has repaid some of the £16,000 expenses he mistakenly claimed for a mortgage that did not exist."
The article then continues
"A former minister has admitted he claimed £16,000 on expenses for a mortgage that had been paid off.

Labour MP Elliot Morley told the BBC he had repaid some back and it had been a mistake which he felt terrible about. "

Once again we have the BBC protecting their Labour friends, I don't remember any of the Conservative MPs being given such a favourable ride.

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