Anna Raccoon remembers something that I blogged about at the time, as well.
'What a wily little creature Gordon Brown is. Last March he was strutting the world stage as host of the G20 conference and promising to inject a billion pounds of British tax payers’ money into the IMF fund. The European Union alone has pledged more than £50 billion pounds to the IMF, by May 2009 it was expected that the fund would eventually total in excess of £600 Billion.
In PMQs he was repeatedly pressed by David Cameron to give an assurance that British Taxpayers would not be expected to bail out the Greek government or any other country in the Euro zone.
Three times he was asked the question; three times he refused to give a straight answer, mumbling that any bail out in the Euro zone would come from an ‘International’ alliance.
The International alliance, of course, is the IMF – into which British tax payers have already injected billions of pounds to be used in the event of a crisis such as the situation in Greece.
Alistair Darling in October 2009:
“We are one of the largest donors to the IMF.”
Britain may not be in the Euro zone, but they will be making one of the largest contributions to bailing out the Euro-zone.'
Do read the rest of Ms Raccoon's piece, it is as well written and considered as yo would expect from this seriously excellent blogger.
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