
Sunday 9 May 2010

Is Nick very forgiving or just very hungry for a taste of power?

So Gordon Brown allegedly vents his 'rage at Nick Clegg when the Liberal Democrat leader suggested that the Prime Minister had no right to cling on to power after losing the Election'; a conversation that was also described as a ‘diatribe laced with threats’. Yet today it is reported that Nick Clegg has had a meeting with Gordon Brown.

Far be it for me to describe Nick Clegg as a serial flip-flopper, but it does look like he cannot decide what to do. Of course Nick Clegg's problem is a tricky one; part of his party would never countenance any sort of alliance with the 'nasty party' whilst he the 'Orange Book' group may feel more at home allied with the Conservative party rather than the socialist Labour party.

So "what's it going to be boy, what's it going to be...?"

Meatloaf - 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light'
I love this song, take a listen to the lyrics and the energy. The above lines comes at around 6:12.

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