
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Some thoughts on the political mess

There are two phrases being bandied around that are really getting on my nerves: "The Country voted for a hung Parliament" - No it didn't, a hung Parliament was not an option on the ballot paper. Voters voted Conservative, Labour LibDem, SNP etc. Nobody could vote for a hung Parliament and there is no evidence that people wanted one.

"No overall majority means no-one ‘won’ the election" - Not true, one political party polled more votes and got more seats than the rest, that party should have the chance to form a government, not the party that came second.

Did Robert Mugabe Gordon Brown actually resign yesterday? I think not, if he had resigned then the Queen would be constitutionally bound to approach David Cameron as the leader of the largest party in the House of Commons and ask him if he could form a government. That did not ahhpen because Gordon Brown did not resign. What he said was that he will stay on as Prime Minister and leader of the Labour party for four months or so until a Labour leadership election is held. But has the leadership election process been started by the Labour party? No because there might not be one; Peter Mandelson would like to appoint David Miliband into the role as that would save time and anyway democracy can be messy and produce the wrong results.

How long before the Labour 'government' introduce a form of proportional representation without an approving referendum in an attempt to ensure permanent left of centre government?

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