
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Strange times

It seems that the Labour/LibDem alliance is over, maybe they were surprised by the level of anger in the country and realised that the public just wouldn't wear it. Rumours abound that Nick Clegg will be deputy Prime Minister and that there will be a Lib Dem Minister in every department. I wonder how many Cabinet level ministers will be Lib Dems - my money would be Vince Cable as Chief Secretary to the Treasury, a senior LibDem getting Foreign Secretary and a couple of minor positions - any more than that and David Cameron has given too much away/Nick Clegg has negotiated very well. I presume that Chancellor and Home Secretary will be Conservative positions, maybe with David Davis as Home Secretary. Ken Clarke is one problem, will he be happy with staying at Business and not having an expanded portfolio as a number 1.5 to George Osborne? Mind you he will be happy to have some more Europhiles in the government. William Hague also loses his non-official deputy Prime Minister spot, what will he require to placate him?

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