
Friday 7 May 2010

What a mistake the UK made, or was the election stolen

What a night and how depressed am I!

However today I want to have a think about where I go from here and what really happened yesterday. The postal votes scandal seems to have two angles, first the excess of Labour votes that may have secured several seats, Glenda Jackson won her Hampstead seat by just 42 votes... The second angle is the number of people working overseas who were denied their vote, even the BBC have to report their stories. Another factor is how many seats were lost to the Conservatives by people voting UKIP. If there is another general election then the Conservatives need to come to an arrangement with UKIP over a referendum or whatever it takes.

I have a very bad feeling about this general election, how it was stolen and what it means for the future of the Conservative party in the UK.

My thoughts on proportional representation and how that could kill the Conservatiove party's chances of ever forming a government are well documented, but I will be re-thinking this over the coming weekend.

Posting will be light this weekend as I need a break...

1 comment:

Grant said...

I share your sense of profound depression. This is not really a democracy any more, it is more like a banana republic.