
Tuesday 11 May 2010

Where does this leave Vince Cable?

This morning The Telegraph was telling us that:
'Sources close to the negotiations between the Lib Dems and the Tories suggested that Mr Cable, the Lib Dem deputy leader, played a significant role in resisting an agreement.

Mr Cable has not been part of the formal talks with the Tories and has made few comments on the issue.

A source close to the power-sharing talks said Mr Cable stayed out of the negotiating team because he did not support an agreement with the Conservatives.

Mr Cable is said to have privately urged Lib Dem MPs to resist any deal.

A source said: “It’s significant that he’s not in the delegation. He is one of the party’s biggest players but he is not in the room. That doesn’t happen by accident.”

Another source suggested that Mr Cable’s rivalry with Mr Clegg played a part in delaying a deal.

Mr Cable, who is extremely popular with grassroots Lib Dems, is a former Labour member who later joined the Social Democratic Party. '
If Vince Cable is so anti this deal then I presume he will refuse to serve in a Conservative lead Cabinet or is he not as principled as he pretends and the BBC suggests?

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