
Friday 8 April 2011

Another complaint made to the BBC

Complaint type: BBC News
Location: England
What is your complaint about: BBC News Online
Address of the page:
Complaint category: Bias
Complaint summary: Selective reporting of previous incidents
Full complaint:
Your article about the recent Israeli 'strike' on Gaza includes a reminder of recent incidents. Thus we are told that: 'On Thursday, members of its (Hamas) military wing hit an Israeli school bus with an anti-tank shell, injuring two people. Friday's deaths raise to 10 the number of Palestinians killed since Thursday, amid the worst fighting since 2009. ... Israeli artillery fire and air strikes have been heard across Gaza throughout much of the day, our correspondent says, and at least six rockets were fired into Israel, hitting an area north of the Gaza Strip, according to Israeli police. ... Israel says it is responding to the school bus attack on Thursday near the Nahal Oz kibbutz. A 16-year-old boy suffered a serious head wound and was taken to hospital for surgery. Militants from the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, hit the bus with an anti-tank shell. They said it was in response to the killing of Hamas leaders last week. ... At least 10 Palestinians have been killed since Thursday and more than 40 have been injured. Several of those killed were civilians, including a mother and her 21-year-old daughter, as well as a 55-year-old man in the southern city of Khan Younis, Palestinian medics say. Another 50-year-old civilian who had been sitting outside his home died when he was hit by tank fire on Thursday, an official in Gaza said. Four others were identified as leaders of the Qassam Brigades and two of Friday's victims had been members of the group, Hamas said. Last month saw some of the worst violence since Israel launched a major offensive in Gaza in December 2008. In one week in March, at least 10 Palestinians - including several civilians and children - were killed by Israeli attacks. In the same period, militants in Gaza fired more than 80 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel.' Interesting although you mention the deaths of four Palestinian civilians you do not mention either the cold-blooded murder of the Fogel family or the British citizen killed by a Palestinian terrorist bomb in Jerusalem. What possible reasons do the BBC have for this choice of what deaths are worth mentioning and which are not? Are the deaths of Israelis not as important as those of Palestinians? The BBC minimised the original coverage of the Fogel family's murder, is it your intention to try and ensure that people are not reminded of it?
Receive a reply: Yes
Contacted us before: Yes
Complaint related to previous contact: No
Title: Mr
First name: NotaSheep
Surname: MaybeaGoat
Email address:
Under 13: No

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