
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Imagine the scenario

Imagine the scenario whereby a BBC journalist discovers that certain religious Christians (fundamentalists) use a different hand to shake hand with non-believers than with believers. Further imagine that the hand they use to shake hands with disbelievers is considered their 'dirty' hand. Now how would the BBC report this story and how much coverage would the story get on the BBC? Can you imagine the outrage?

Now back to reality and see how the BBC report this story when it is some Muslims that are using their 'dirty' hand to shake hands with 'kufr'.
'Film-maker Robb Leech found his step-brother Richard, now called Salahuddin, would only shake hands using his "dirty" left hand since becoming an Islamist.'
Where is the outrage? It is almost as though the film-maker and by extension the BBC think this is acceptable, or at least understandable behaviour; I do not.

1 comment:

Quiet_Man said...

I always hand over money with my left hand to anyone in Muslim mufti to see whether they're a fanatic or not. Works quite well.
If they flinch I don't go back.