
Saturday 2 April 2011

Palestinian mother and child injured in Gaza but no report by the BBC; why?

Thanks to pounce_uk on Biased-BBC I learn something interesting:

'... i wonder why the bBC didn't mention that all week,Israel has had to endure rockets attacks from Gaza. If they had they would have given more context to the story, but they didn't . Hell even Ma'an the Pal news agency is more honest in reporting the news than the bBC i quote:  
The Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights released a statement of concern Tuesday, in the wake of the fall of several projectiles on a house and soft-drinks factory in the northern Strip, in which six civilians were injured. A report from the organization said it was the third home-made projectile to land on civilian property in Gaza in the past week, and called on government officials to investigate. The group noted that "members of the Palestinian resistance continue to store explosives or to treat such explosives in locations close to populated areas," commenting that the practice "poses a major threat to the lives of the Palestinian civilians and constitutes a violation of both International Human Rights Law and the International Humanitarian Law."   
According to testimony, PCHR said that a projectile exploded in a house belonging to Ahmed Kheir al-Batsh, 62, in the As-Salam neighborhood in Jabaliya in the northern Gaza Strip, injuring a mother and son, who were both hospitalized for shrapnel wounds.  
Strange how the bBC fails to report on a story of a mother and her child been injured in an atatck on Gaza. I wonder why?'
The BBC's choice as to what is newsworth and what is not seems somewhat dependant on an agreed narrative.

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