
Monday 11 April 2011

A Palestinian state - something just struck me

The Palestinian say that all they want is an independent state in Gaza and on the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and they are supported in this by the majority of Muslim states in the Middle East; let's ignore Iran for the moment. If this is all they want and the support is genuine then why did Egypt and Jordan not setup such a state between 1948 and 1967 when the West Bank was under Jordanian control and Gaza under Egyptian? I was very small at the time, but pre-1967 were the 'Palestinians' demanding independence from Egyptian and/or Jordanian rule? Was there a anti-Egypt/Jordan intifada? Did the United Nations support the rights of self-determination for the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank?

The truth of the matter is that Hamas and Fatah want Israel to disappear, they have no intention of living peaceably alongside Israel. On his deathbed, Mohammed proclaimed that, "two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula" - the Islamists follow Mohammed's instructions, so how can a Jewish state be tolerated in the Middle East by them?

Recently five members of the Fogel family were brutally murdered in their beds. A survey was conducted by Prof. Yaacov Shamir of the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace and the Department of Communication and Journalism at the Hebrew University, and Prof. Khalil Shikaki, Director of the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) and it found out that one third of Palestinians supported the murder of the Fogel family. One third, not a small minority, but one third. How can Israel ever exist alongside a state where a third of its people support the killing of two parents, murdering an 11 year old boy whilst he was sat up reading in bed, killing a 4 year old boy by stabbing him twice in the chest and slitting the throat of a 3 month old baby girl?

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