I blogged recently about how the BBC covered the story that two black Labour MPs were condemning Boris Johnson's candidacy for London Mayor. The headline was "Black MPs spurn Boris mayoral bid" with the first line of the article reading "Conservative MP Boris Johnson's bid to become London mayor has been condemned by black MPs." Much fuss ensued, online at www.biased-bbc.blogspot.com and elsewhere. Almost three days later the BBC changed the headline to "Labour MPs spurn Boris mayor bid" and the first line of the article to "Conservative MP Boris Johnson's bid to become London mayor has been condemned by two Labour MPs." The BBC I am sure think this is fair and answers the criticisms that were made of them in the first place, I and others are not so sure. As "bodo" commented on the Biased-BBC blog forum "The BBC have changed the headline now, but it's too late, the story has been successfully spun, and somewhere a Labour party press officer will be sniggering at what they regard as a job well done. For three days the BBC colluded with the Labour Party in a nasty little piece of racial politics, and to change the headline now when the story is gone and forgotten is meaningless." He/she is correct and this is typical of the BBC, an organisation whose bias is so obvious it is laughable.
Interestingly I read in yesterday's Evening Standard that the BBC's plans to send 16,500 staff on honesty courses are in chaos as many have vowed not to attend. Many BBC staff see themselves as at the forefront of a liberal Cultural revolution - as Andrew Marr said in 2006 "The BBC is not impartial or neutral. It's a publicly funded, urban organisation with an abnormally large number of young people, ethnic minorities and gay people. It has a liberal bias not so much a party-political bias. It is better expressed as a cultural liberal bias".
Another comment from Biased-BBC that I just had to repeat here, it's from "Anonanon" and reads :
"Labour MPs spurn Boris mayor bid"
"Catholics spurn non-Catholic Pope suggestion"
"Bears spurn indoor toilets, prefer wooded areas"
Who’s on Question Time Tonight? #BBCQT
13 hours ago
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