This could be a long campaign, there may be bust-ups along the way but you owe it to yourself to follow the tit for tat exchanges...
So far I would say it was a battle between Gemma Atkinson and Salma Hayek; but I could be swayed another way...

I am not a sheep, I have my own mind
I have had enough of being told what and how to think
Whilst we are still allowed the remnants of free speech,
I will speak out.
I also reserve the right to discuss less controversial matters should I feel the urge.
Hmm, I'm going to have to study this post carefully before I choose which side to take. My mind is bouncing between the two.
"Tit for Tit" . Nice one or nice two rather.
BeebbiasCraig, If you are reading this , please don't get involved in boob wars, your site is fine the way it is !
I am trying to persuade my mother to read it !
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