
Saturday 1 May 2010

BBC Poll Tracker related news

Now that the opinion polls seem to show a small but clear Conservative lead, albeit at a lower level than some months ago, it seems that the BBC have stopped reporting that the polls show the Conservatives with no lead and instead resort to comments such as
'2205: Two of the latest polls show that only 5% separates the parties in first and third place, while in the other the gap is just 4%, says David Cowling, editor of BBC political research. "All three polls keep this election firmly in hung parliament territory, with Labour the largest party," he says. "It is still a genuinely close three-horse race."'
Surely any other news agency would be reporting that the current government party is in third place in the opinion polls and that democracy would be ill-served by such a party being 'the largest party'.

Thanks to Beeb Bias Craig for the '2205' spot.

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