
Sunday 2 May 2010

One rule for Islamists and one for the rest of us?

The Mirror report that:
'A british (sic) Muslim who descecrated (sic) a town's war memorial with graffiti glorifying al-Qaeda walked free from court yesterday - after lawyers ruled he was not a religious extremist.

Tohseef Shah, 21, showed "no remorse" after admitting he had sprayed the words "Islam will dominate the world Osama is on his way" and "Kill Gordon Brown" on a plinth, magistrates heard.

He was seen with an accomplice on CCTV and was later trapped by DNA evidence after throwing away a spray paint can at the scene.

Senior Crown Prosecution Service lawyers watched the footage after a street cleaner found the damaged council memorial in Burton upon Trent, Staffs, last December.

Burton JPs heard the CPS ruled Shah was politically and not racially or religiously motivated. He got a two-year conditional discharge for criminal damage. He also has to pay £500 compensation and £85 costs.'

"Islam will dominate the world Osama is on his way" , no I cannot see how that could be a religiously or racially motivated comment. Imagine if a Christian sprayed "Jesus is the one true Lord, you must bow to his rule" on the outside of a mosque; somehow I think that person would be found guilty of a racially motivated crime; do you agree?

1 comment:

Grant said...

The scumbag should be deported to Iran !