
Tuesday 15 June 2010

The Bloody Sunday Inquiry in context

The BBC are in raptures that the Saville Inquiry will finally, after 12 years and £200 million, report today. The BBC fervently hope that the report lays blame on the 1st Battalion of the Parachute Regiment and that they can then continue their long love of kicking the British Army whilst absolving the IRA of any blame for anything. As the commander of 1 Para that day in 1972, Colonel Wilford, said in a 1999 Radio 4 interview:
"What about Bloody Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and every day of the week? What about Bloody Omagh? What about Bloody Warrenpoint, Ennidkillen, Hyde Park or Bloody Aldershot and Brighton - Bloody everything the IRA have ever touched?"

Maybe with the Saville Inquiry finished it is time for an inquiry into the murders of British civilians and soldiers by the IRA and the parts played in those murders, whether direct of indirect, by people now in positions of power in Northern Ireland. I won't hold my breath though as that is a part of history that the BBC and the liberal elite in this Country do not want raked over.

The terrorists won the war in Northern Ireland and to see certain people strutting around in positions of some power makes me sick to the stomach for the families of those people killed by the IRA.

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