
Tuesday 8 June 2010

How are the labour leadership elections going? (08.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 11 (+ 2) - Harriet Harman showing female solidarity and nominating Diane (following her PPS this morning) and Gavin Shuker who is Margaret Moran's successor in Luton South (probably only an MP because of Esther Rantzen

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 29 (+ 2) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you

John McDonnell - 16 (+ 5) - Seemingly advocating the murder of Lady Thatcher and excusing IRA terrorism is still popular within the Labour party

David Miliband - 71 (+12) - Still ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother

Ed Miliband - 57 (+ 3) - Regaining momentum and so probably even smugger

Only one day left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which will make it... Looks like Andy Burnham will get there but not the others. In fact there are just 41 MPs yet to nominate so if no more nominate any of the three already nominated and Andy Burnham reaches exactly 33 nominations then if the nominations split perfectly, both John McDonnell and Diane Abbott could still get 33 votes each. It would take just one MP to spoil this result, so that'll be Gordon 'feartie' Brown.

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