
Monday 14 June 2010

If Israel can't be blamed then it's not headline news

I see that:
'Ethnic Uzbeks in a besieged neighbourhood of Kyrgyzstan's second city Osh have said that gangs of Kyrgyz men were carrying out "genocide" as Russia sent at least 150 paratroopers to the Central Asian state to protect its military facilities as ethnic clashes spread.

The death toll from days of fighting has risen to 113, amid reports of residents being burned out of their homes and shot as they fled. Witnesses saw bodies lying on the streets. However, the true toll could be much higher, with The International Committee of the Red Cross reporting that its delegates witnessed about 100 bodies being buried in just one cemetery.

"God help us! They are killing Uzbeks like animals. Almost the whole city is in flames," Dilmurad Ishanov, an ethnic Uzbek human rights worker, said from Osh. '

The BBC do report the story as their lead in the Asia-Pacific news page but I doubt that it will be the lead on every bulletin as Israel is not involved. Why are the BBC so obsessed by Israel and so determined to demonise that country?

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