
Wednesday 9 June 2010

"in a minority of one"

Back in 2008/09 Gordon Brown and his vile team, ably assisted by the BBC, tried to convince the UK electorate that the Conservatives were "in a minority of one" when it came to prioritising cutting the deficit rather than fiscal stimulus. I remember the BBC being very keen on portraying the Conservative party as isolated from the rest of the world on this matter. Oddly now that Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy and even Germany have started, as the BBC would say, savage budget cuts the BBC seem to have dropped that line of attack.

It all reminds me of 1979-1984; the UK economy was in ruins by 1979, the Labour government had gone cap in hand to the IMF in 1976 and the winter of discontent had meant that all had suffered. By the time Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government came to power in 1979 the situation was desperate. Of course all the pain that the UK had to go through to get back on track was blamed on Thatcher and not the Labour government that had caused it. The BBC followed the Labour script very closely and just as now blamed all cuts on the people trying to fix the mess, not the people that caused it. The BBC will work as hard as it can to ensure that a Labour government is returned to power as soon as possible and then the blame for the state of the Country will be laid at the feet of the short Conservative/LibDem government and not the 13 years of Labour misrule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
