
Sunday 6 June 2010

Now that's cheeky by Ed Balls

The BBC report with a straight face that:
'Future immigration from within the European Union needs to be more tightly controlled, Labour leadership contender Ed Balls has said.

Writing in the Observer, he said "too many" British workers had been affected by migration policies under Labour.

He called for temporary controls on the number of workers from Romania and Bulgaria to be extended.

He also criticised the coalition government for failing to address concerns about unskilled EU labour.

In a BBC Politics Show interview later, Mr Balls is also expected to urge more debate about policy in the contest.'
Words almost fail me! Was this the man who was Gordon Brown's right hand man for so many years? Was this man in the Cabinet (or around it) whilst decisions were taken that increased immigration from both within and outside the EU? Was this the man who was part of a Labour government that tried to shut down debate on immigration for so may years by insinuating that anyone discussing the matter was a racist?

But more than anything is he seriously criticising the Coalition government for not doing something in one month that Labour did nothing to address in 13 years?

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