
Monday 7 June 2010

Public Sector employment

The BBC report that:
'Hugh Lanning, deputy general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services Union, told the BBC: "It seems like a bit of a smoke screen to me, it's trying to paint the public sector as a problem but the debt wasn't caused by the public sector - it was caused by the banks and the financial crisis and we would like to see them share some of the pain, not just us."

He added that 100,000 civil service jobs had been cut in the past five years. "'

That's odd as the figures show that the Public Sector head count in Q1 1997 (just before Labour took office) was 5,197,000. In 2004 Q1 it was 5,773,000. In 2009 Q4 it was 6,098,000. So where is the 100,000 loss of jobs or was that the loss that was more than outweighed by the increase? Another statement accepted as fact by the ever supine to Labour and unions BBC.

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