
Wednesday 16 June 2010

The Times behind the 'pay wall'

Today The Times disappears behind a pay wall... The front news page now looks like something from 10 years ago and if you click on any headline you get this
'To see the page you've chosen, register now

To access the great content on our sites, just register your details and we'll give you an exclusive free preview for a limited period - starting today. No payment details required.'

Good luck with that Rupert, I'll stick with the Telegraph, the BBC and the blogosphere.


Anonymous said...

Yup, pretty much just deleted it from my fav list, silly buggers.

Though it does raise the question of BBC funding and competition.

subrosa said...

Me too. He ought to be paying the blogosphere for promoting some of his journalist's articles.

Grant said...

I'll stick with Notasheep and B-BBC !