
Friday 10 September 2010

Anne Frank in a kaffiyeh (update)

'akagoldfish' has taken exception to a piece that I piece I wrote in January 2008. Take a read of my piece and then his comment
'Wow, I thought I was reading a thoughtful, fact-based article without any particuler agenda, but then you break out the bigot stick and smack us in the face with it.

A more stunning example of a strawman it would be hard to imagine, nor a more heinous one.

(by the way, since it's obvious that you don't actually pay any attention to world affairs, but the Palestinians have recognized Israel's right to exist, which makes your argument not only illogical and racist, but also very, very wrong.) '

'akagoldfish' seems to be one of those use the word 'racist' to shutdown debate, not here he won't. I stand by my conclusion that 'How marvellous, put one of the symbols of the holocaust into one of the symbols of the people who want to destroy Israel.' And I ask 'akagoldfish' why he thinks the Palestinians recognize Israel's right to exist, maybe he should read some more articles on this blog for proof that many (if not most of their leaders) do not.

1 comment:

Grant said...

Totally with you on this one , Mr. Goat.