
Monday 13 September 2010

Democracy Labour/Unions style

The Mail reports as do many other news outlets that
'Harriet Harman backed a union war on spending cuts today, saying Labour would support a devastating campaign of coordinated strike action.

Labour's acting leader spoke out as union leaders declared war on the 'demolition Government' and warned they are plotting 'a movement of such scale that you have never seen before.''
And off we go again, Back to the early 1980s as a Trade Union movement whose political party of choice have screwed up the UK economy leaving the Conservatives (and in this case the Lib Dems) to fix it, complain at the necessary action. Of course the BBC will support the action and have been attacking 'Tory cuts' for some weeks now. The Labour/TUC/BBC campaign will reach a peak during the political conference season and the announcement of the Comprehensive Spending Review.

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