
Monday 11 April 2011

Barack Obama's Social Security Number

For more detail take a read of which includes these two interesting lines:
'What she and fellow investigator Neil Sankey unearthed was a nugget that could have ended the career of a George Bush or a Sarah Plain: Barack Obama had been using a social security number issued in Connecticut between 1977 and 1979, a state in which he never lived or even visited at that time in his life.


As to how Obama may have secured that number, it is possible that he turned to his radical friends for advice.
“We invented all kinds of ways to obtain false identity papers, and got busy building multiple sets of ID for each of us and for every contingency,” writes Bill Ayers of his years in the Weather Underground. “We soon figured out that the deepest and most foolproof ID had a government-issued Social Security card at its heart.”
For the record, Ayers appears to have commuted between his wife and children in Chicago and Columbia University in New York from 1984 to 1987.  Obama left New York, where he too had attended Columbia University, and arrived in Chicago in 1985.'

The questions about who Barack Obama really is do just keep coming don't they?


Anonymous said...

Am I to assume he's a covert Muslim agent for Weather Underground, not a US citizen, who has managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of US government to become president with the sole aim of implementing a radical socialist-Islamic-Sharia-state with a mission to destroy Israel?

I hope so, just to see you self-combust with outrage when it happens....

Not a sheep said...

Do you have no interest in the numerous oddities that surround Barack Obama or do you just 'believe'?

Anonymous said...

No I always find conspiracy theories interesting, it's just that the ones surrounding Obama are the work of right-wing lunatic fantasists...and therefore are a crock.

Not a sheep said...

So why have Barack Obama's scholastic records not been released?

Anonymous said...

I have literally no idea, nor do I care.

How about you explain what Obama's goal is, if conspiracy theories are to be believed? And once you've done that, try also to explain that if there's something suspicious going on, why in nearly 4 years has nothing in US politics changed much in that period of time, save the efforts to introduce a fairer healthcare system? That's taking playing "the long game" to new and particularly dull extremes is it not?

Not a sheep said...

You don't care, you dont't wonder! Do you have no curiosity at all or do you just believe in hope and change?

Don't tell me what to explain; it's my blog, you answer my questions or shut up.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so touchy, my dear! I did answer your question, I said I had no idea.

Over to you.

Not a sheep said...

So you have no idea why Barack Obama is the only Presidential candidate for years whose scholastic records have not been released along with his medical records and you don't smell anything fishy. You're not very inquisitive are you?

Barack Obama is barely two years into his first four year term, not 'in nearly 4 years'. I think he's 'achieved' quite a lot in those two years and there's more to come.

Unknown said...

according to ss records the previous holder of Obama's ss number passed away in 1981 so why was Obama using this number in 1980 when he supposedly regsitered for selective service? I don't beleive in conspiracy theories but its troubling to say the least tht the President of the United States might be using a fake ss number

troubled Democrat