I blogged earlier about how any extreme weather condition is immediately used as proof of climate change. The "conclusions" now can all but ignore the data. Some questions for you:
What was the warmest year since 1900? It must be one this century, surely? No it was 1998, every year since then has been cooler.
How much have sea levels risen in the past 20 years? Global warming has allegedly been present all this time and we have been showed the film of the melting ice caps and shrinking glaciers and heard the warnings of sea levels rising by one, two, three, five, ten metres by 2020, 2050, the figures change with the wind, it's all speculation anyway. So how much have they increased so far? No answer comes there back.
Let's assume for a moment that global warming is real, is it really caused by human activity? Has the Earth ever been warmer? Yes, around 1,000 years ago it was warm enough to allow the Vikings to colonise Greenland (when it was Green not icy). There was very little man made CO2 emissions in the 900s AD.
The Earth's climate has changed over the whole of Earth history and will continue to do so.
Another question, what was the year (since 1900) with the most hurricanes? Surely one since Climate Change really took hold. Well no, it was 1934.
Here's a graph showing CO2 levels and Earth Temperature since 600 million years ago:

You will notice the high degree of correlation between CO2 levels (the black line) and temperature (the blue line). Well maybe you won't, but any correlation there is shows CO2 levels change following any change in temperature not the other way around.
Take another look at the graph. Do you see how high the CO2 levels are now during "man made global warming" compared with previous levels. Note also the relatively high temperatures that result; no of course you don't notice that, because it isn't true.
That's enough on Climate Change today bu more will follow. I see tonight the BBC has handed over BBC1 to non-stop coverage of the Live Earth shindig. More propaganda on Climate Change to convince the intellectually weak of the fact of Climate Change; now they are using Shrek to sell the message. As the Live Earth performer Paolo Nutini said on BBC 5Live this morning "It's brainwashing - but in a good way"
Interestingly despite the BBCs incessant propaganda about the facts of Climate Change the general public don't believe it, take a look at the Have Your Say recommended page here or this article that shows that 56% of the UK population "believed scientists were still questioning climate change.
There was a feeling the problem was exaggerated to make money, it found." Maybe there is hope but don't expect the BBC to change their tune.
Recent research by Henrik Svensmark and his group at the Danish National
Space Center points to the real cause of the recent warming trend. In a
series of experiments on the formation of clouds, these scientists have
shown that fluctuations in the Sun's output cause the observed changes in the
Earth's temperature.
In the past, scientists believed the fluctuations in the Sun's output were
too small to cause the observed amount of temperature change, hence the need
to look for other causes like carbon dioxide. However, these new
experiments show that fluctuations in the Sun's output are in fact large
enough, so there is no longer a need to resort to carbon dioxide as the
cause of the recent warming trend.
The discovery of the real cause of the recent increase in the Earth's
temperature is indeed a convenient truth. It means humans are not to blame
for the increase. It also means there is absolutely nothing we can, much
less do, to correct the situation.
Thomas Laprade
480 Rupert St.
Thunder Bay, Ont.
Ph. 807 3457258
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Thanks for writing this, and I hope lots of people stumble across your blog to read it! Please see a book review I wrote of Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years: http://nancyr.blogspot.com/2007/06/unstoppable-global-warming-every-1500.html
If a school kid is forced to watch Al Gore's movie, then this book should be required reading, just to balance things out!
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