All this rain this summer, it must be because of Global Warming. Wettest June since 1911, it must be because of Global Warming.
Do you remember last summer? Very dry in England last summer, very dry. Hose pipe restrictions, threats of standpipes in the streets.
Here are some of the statements made last summer as to how Global Warming would mean such weather would be the norm and my comments as to how I might have reacted then if I took these fools seriously.
1) From the BBC 20 March 2006:
"Paul Kent, regulatory manager for Southern Water, said: "We are not entering into this lightly. We are in the driest period we have had for 70 or 80 years and we need to conserve the water so that it is sufficient for basic hygiene throughout the rest of the year." He said it was "possible" that similar bans would be necessary next year and said water companies were ready to change their long-term policies if it seemed that global warming was permanently reducing rainfall in the UK."
Rainfall "permanently" reduced, wow that's serious, how will we cope in 2007?
2) From The Guardian 22 July 2006:
"Peering into the future is a tricky business, especially for something as volatile as weather and climate. But scientists know a lot about how events will unfold. They use giant computer programs, evolved from those that make weather forecasts, to work out how the atmosphere will react to the blanket of carbon dioxide we humans are steadily wrapping around the planet. As we do, and as more of the sun's heat is unable to escape, the air and the sea warm. But that takes time, which means that whatever we do, our climate destiny is fixed for the next few decades."
So it's a tricky business but the scientists with their clever computers can tell us what will happen, I'm interested and convinced, do tell what the future holds...
"Here, we present a picture of what might happen in Britain over the next century if the world fails to take serious action, and global emissions continue to rise at about the same, or a slightly slower, rate. So what does it reveal?"
Yes, yes go on
"Rainfall will decline in the summer and the increased deluges in winter will struggle to replenish thirsty reservoirs because much of the water will run off the baked ground."
Oh no, I must go and buy water butts and Mediterranean type plants and cut back on water usage because summer rainfall is a thing of the past. Thank heavens this is so because Wimbledon have taken the roof off of Centre Court as they start to build the new movable roof. At least Wimbledon will be unaffected by rain in 2007!
- Read this Guardian articles predictions for the next 80 years and laugh/cry. The science is flawed but the media and political bandwagon is in full flight and I fear it will be hard to slow it down with logic and facts -
So those pictures from last Summer of empty reservoirs that were used to scare us into believing that this would be common from now on have not been contrasted with the news this year that they are full, 100% full .
Do you think any of those who last year confidently predicted drier summers would be the norm from now on, will say "oops" this year? On average did June 2006 and June 2007 have close to average rainfall? I don't know if they did but it might be close. I despair of our Arts Graduate dominated media, I actually think they don't know what an average is and that levels will generally exceed or fall short of the average. We are scared by headlines such as "Driest July since 1850", "Wettest June since 1911" but how many weather records are there and how often will one figure be broken, especially if we start to look at odd weather town by town?
I remember that the consensus of opinion in the early 1970s was that we were heading for a new ice age and how would we cope. This of course followed the run of "below average" temperatures between 1940'ish and the mid 1970s, the period when European industry was belching more fumes into the atmosphere than previously.
Saturday 7-Up
15 hours ago
Check out POLAR CITIES at google search or wikipedia. that is the future
No it isn't, don't believe the hype...
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