
Monday 11 August 2008

Have Gordon and his Darling had a tiff?

I see that Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling's teams are briefing against each other.
"Allies of Mr Darling believe he was ‘stitched up’ by a Downing Street briefing operation designed to test the popularity of possible moves to suspend the tax....a Labour MP close to Mr Darling claimed he was being deliberately undermined by No10 in preparation for being demoted in the September reshuffle."

"Mr Brown’s camp furiously deny being behind the shambles but one senior Treasury source said last night: ‘It certainly wasn’t us that briefed it. You work it out.’"

Both sides apparently can agree on one key point:
"...Downing Street strongly denied having ‘floated’ the story, which appeared in newspapers on Tuesday, saying the only two people who brief in Downing Street were both on holiday at the time.

The Treasury also issued a statement to say it ‘has no knowledge of the source of the story’."
I think that is the old "weren't me guv" defence.

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