
Sunday 17 August 2008

Tax, tax, tax, tax, tax the rich

Health Minister Ivan Lewis has called on the government to consider a tax on high earners to help the middle classes through the economic slowdown. He is quoted in today's Sunday Times as saying that introducing practical measures to boost morale at this difficult time was vital. He warned that Labour will lose the next election if they do not take tough tax decisions to bail out core voters.

Has Mr Lewis any idea how many people actually earn over the £250,000 figure that it is rumoured he considers high earners? Does he know how much extra tax this policy would raise?

Just like in the 1970s we are heading for punitively high tax levels borne out of envy and revenge, 98% marginal tax rates anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good heavens no.Should we expectMinistersto research and analyse the implications of their tax grabs.If they did, we wouldnt be in the mess we are now in.
Ivan Lewis and his second rate side-kicks have neither the skills or
vision to realise that the first priorityshould be to successfully
manage current finances.government
waste and mis-directed public sector
spending should be the start.
But they wont.Tax and borrow and
deeper the mess.