
Saturday 13 December 2008

The twenty-sixth weekly "No shit, Sherlock" award

This week the award is more of a "No shit, Sherlocks" award as it goes to the Commons Select Business and Energy Committee for stating that the UK faces a "disastrous energy crunch", that the threat of future blackouts is "real" unless existing coal and nuclear plants are replaced as power stations supplying around a third of the UK's energy needs will close by 2020 and that "The concern that people have about prices will be a picnic compared with significant number of power cuts".

"No shit, Sherlocks"

Maybe the Labour government and the Committee should read my articles on this matter, including here, here, here and here. Or perhaps some reading of Christopher Booker in The Telegraph might enlighten them as to why the blackouts are coming, alternatively the Labour government could not do anything constructive but just release some dodgy statistics to show that the UK has never been so well prepared for power shortages and see if the public will swallow more lies.

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