
Tuesday 9 February 2010

Another 'mistake' in the 2007 IPCC report

I have blogged before about the previously discovered 'mistakes' in the 2007 IPCC report and each time the IPCC respond that this is an isolated example and that the report is fundamentally correct. Well Daniel 1979 has news of another 'mistake':
"Dr North takes the lead again in the fight back against the IPCC, with another revelation about the 2007 IPCC report which bogusly claimed that the Himalayan Glaciers would have melted in the next 25 years. That revelation showed that this was an entirely false claim and has rippled around the world and is what we know as Glaciergate.

Dr North now says that the very same report was again wrong with claims that food yields from rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by 50% by 2020. The 2020 projection is in fact now exposed as based on nothing more than speculation that is sourced back to a Canadian advocacy group, and written by an obscure academic who specialises in Carbon Trading and citing references that do not support his claims."

Daniel1979 concludes that:
"So, when we are being scared into thinking in a new way, we must ask two questions. Is this true and why is this claim made. Many of the claims are now being disproven or shown to be based upon unreliable and questionable data. Some, like Africagate, are rooted in the claims of those who stand to profit from Carbon Trading. The ‘why’ keeps leading back in the same direction each time these claims are exposed. They all tie back through scientific bodies to the architects of a global economy. We absolutely must question whether altruism or profit is the true motive here."
I have more to say but work calls for the moment...

1 comment:

Daniel1979 said...

Thanks for the link, I missed at the time that you had provided, but thanks anyway!