
Monday 1 February 2010

Labour's record on employment (part 2) - Labour became the government in 1992 or 1997?

Red Rag has spotted that a deceit is being perpetrated on the Labour Party's website where a graph shows "The percentage change in unemployment figures: for 2009 compared to 1992". Impressively every single region shows a reduction in unemployment and this is apparently "Because of the action Labour has taken."

"action Labour has taken."? Surely Labour were only elected in 1997. So 1992 - 1997 were under John Major's Conservative government.

Red Rag helpfully provide a graph that shows the decrease in unemployment under John Major (around 1 million), the decrease under Tony Blair (around 350,000) and the increase in unemployment under Gordon Brown (around 800,000), it also shows the increase in unemployment under the 1997-2009 Labour government of around 450,000. So Labour's boast of decreasing unemployment is actually due to the John Major government.

I presume that the Labour party will be correcting their claims and that the BBC will be all over this story... I also presume that pigs can fly!

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