
Friday 5 March 2010

15 minutes on the Radio 4 Today programme

I find that I can only take a few minutes at a time of the Radio 4 Today programme, today was a good example. I turned on to hear the 7am news and there was a piece about the US congressional panel's resolution describing as genocide the killings of Armenians by Turkey during World War I. The report was so biased in its use of loaded language it was almost a master-class in how not to report the news. Congress was apparently subjected to a "well funded" Armenian campaign and the Turkish government was upset and so had removed their US ambassador.

What was not mentioned on the pro-Obama Today programme is that Barack Obama promised to brand the mass killings as genocide during his election campaign and that around 20 countries had accepted that there was genocide in Armenia.

I missed a bit, Mrs NotaSheep needed to discuss something, so the next piece I heard was this (description from the Today running order as I was too open-mouthed to write anything down):
"The evidence that humans are responsible for climate change is stronger now than it was two years ago, according to the UK Met Office. BBC reporter Tom Feilden looks at the Met Office's latest review."
Tom Feilden 'the science correspondent on the Today programme' showing clearly where he stands on Man Made Climate Change.

1 comment:

CrazyDaisy said...

Saw this on EBC Txt and laughed, horse bolted gate close - too late....missed opportunity to Tax us even more!