
Tuesday 9 March 2010

And the bad economic news just slips out

Here's the BBC headline"UK trade deficit widens to worst in 17 months" and the start of the article (my emphasis):
"The UK's goods trade deficit with the rest of the world unexpectedly widened to its biggest since August 2008 in January.

And exports saw their sharpest drop in more than three years, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The UK's trade gap in physical goods widened to £7.99bn ($12bn), well above the £7bn forecast by economists.

The news was disappointing, especially since the weak pound might have been expected to boost sales abroad.

The UK's currency has fallen by some 24% against a basket of world currencies since early 2007 - before the global economic crisis.


Meanwhile, December's trade figure was revised down to £7bn from its original £7.3bn.

The goods trade gap with non-European Union countries was also wider than forecast.

That stood at £4.8bn, from £3.4bn in December, after Meanwhile, December's trade figure was revised down to £7bn from its original £7.3bn.

The goods trade gap with non-European Union countries was also wider than forecast.

That stood at £4.8bn, from £3.4bn in December, after exports to countries outside the EU dropped by 12.5% on the month and imports rose by 1.6%."
Appalling economic news and I remember this sort of news being greeted with cataclysmic headlines and being used to destroy Conservative ministers in the 1980s. But as this is a BBC approved Labour government the story is not even one of the top stories - those being the new dog licence proposals, the Facebook killer and the news that the England football team might have been bugged. In fact this story showing how deeply in the mire the UK economy is has now dropped below a Jon Venables story.

The BBC's news management is so biased that it almost washes over me. When will the Conservatives start to point it out, or do they want a Labour government to be re-elected?

UPDATE 16:30: The article has now completely disappeared from the News front page and UK news front page. It is still the Business page lead story but why hide the appalling figures from those people who don't browse to the business pages?

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