
Sunday 14 March 2010

Another Gordon Brown inspired dividing line

I hear that Jack Straw will be unveiling plans to abolish the House of Lords. This is obviously designed to trouble David Cameron, who will have to choose whether to oppose this plan and risk being portrayed as a protector of privilege or support the plan and risk splitting the conservatives in the Conservative party.

1 comment:

Jon Lishman said...

Jack Straw has been 'introducing plans to abolish the House of Lords' since before he was born, more or less.

His House of Lords Abolition Plan announcement, very traditionally annual as it now clearly is, has become a sort of a season in its own right. It's rather like the Flats: it usually begins around this time in March, and peters out several exciting but ultimately very repetitive months later, in early autumn (roughly speaking in time with the opening of parliament, curiously).

Pay the eternal student scrote Straw no mind, and thereby be as one with the Straw man himself: blissfully mindless.