
Tuesday 2 March 2010 have a viral advertising campaign that is spreading - can you see why? seem to be generating a lot of publicity despite their advertisement being branded as an illegitimate way to advertise an internet domain registration outfit by the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau. It seems that some viewers felt the advert was "all about sex, got nothing to do with domains, unless it's to start a porn site", and "overtly sexist and exploitative". Seems about right to me... But a great way to publicise a domain registration company; now where dod I put that carton of cream?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has to be said, the ad does state quite clearly what often goes through men's minds in that situation. Bearing in mind how many men buy domains it's bound to be a hit! It's sexist in it's chosen demographic, it's methods simply reflect this.

Sometimes I think the feminists forget how alluring breasts and the female body is. Women in offices often bare an awful lot. Cleavage is everywhere. If sexual fantasy is so bad, why don't the feminists ask their so-called sisters to cover up? Oh, I forgot, it's "empowerment". Sigh
