
Sunday 7 March 2010

First the lies and then the electioneering, has Gordon Brown no shame?

Gordon Brown's performance at the Chilcot Inquiry left me feeling sick to the core as he used his usual array of spin and liberal 'Brownies' to obfuscate the truth. As with Gordon Brown's budgets the truth emerges in dribs and drabs over the following few days but by then it is too late and the cheerleaders in the BBC and other tame media have determined 'the narrative' and Gordon Brown lives to lie another day.

Gordon Brown claimed on Friday that, as Chancellor, he had provided the military with everything they asked for. However since then this claim has come under fire from several former chiefs of the defence staff, who have accused him of being "disingenuous". Admiral Lord Boyce and General Lord Guthrie said that, while individual urgent requests for equipment had been financed, the military suffered from a wider shortage of funding to fight two wars.

Meanwhile Sir John Major accused Gordon Brown of "profoundly unbecoming conduct for a Prime Minister". The man who won a surprise victory in the 1992 general election claimed that Gordon Brown used British troops as a "party political prop" and that British troops could be forgiven for regarding the surprise visit as a "political stunt". Sir John Major continued "Of course, ministers should visit our troops. But to use them as a cynically-timed pre-election backdrop is profoundly unbecoming conduct for a Prime Minister"

So do the troops side with Gordon Brown or Sir John Major? Let's take a look at The Army Rumour SErvice:
"FFS The cyclopic cnut is now kissing arrse in Afghanistan to make up for yesterdays lieing f**k up. The Spindoctors must be on triple time payment. And I wonder how long ago the aircraft was tasked"

"Did he take any new kit out with him?"

"He's left it a bit late to show he cares, when it really mattered in the past he delayed or cut funds & left MOD officials angered & frustrated, all these other individuals can't 'all' be lying

Would this apparent suprise visit have anything to do with two former senior officers contesting his performance yesterday??

GB is two faced & only attempting to make up for all the past f**k ups."

"£500 to any squaddie that has an accidental discharge and zaps tosspot brown."

"He doesn't deserve to "Win", he's an incompetent disgrace, a self-admitted liar, a foul-tempered oaf and quite possibly a f**king nutter as well.He cares nothing for the future well-being of this country, only for his own reputation and that of his utterly discredited, demonstrably toxic political party. If he and they continue in office they will take this county over the edge of ruin. I wouldn't trust the man to tell me the time of day or run the proverbial whelk-stall. He's the Peter Principle writ large, only he's been promoted not one, but probably half-a dozen levels beyond his competence, the sooner we're shot of this crazed, delusional weirdo the better for the UK and us all.

There, I feels better now. (sucks thumb and gazes our of window, rocking slowly )"

"I do loathe him. Would like to see him have the balls to attend a 360 Degree Feedback group or a "Town Hall" meeting with the families of those taken from us or injured in Iraq / Afghanistan and face some real questions. This is a cheap photoshoot engineered by 10 Downing Street to get him out of the UK & to try be Army friendly in my humble opinion."

"If I was a cynic I'd say there was an election on the horizon... lets hope someone puts a round into the demented twat."

And that's just from page 1; it seems that the troops areb not fooled, even if the BBC and The Mirror might be.

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