
Tuesday 9 March 2010


"Imagine a Tory donor who’d bought a company, run its pension fund into the ground, bought the assets back for pennies in the pound, who became a privy counsellor even though he wasn’t qualified while personally funding the leader’s leadership bid – they (sic) would be a massive story and yet somehow the BBC runs day after day on Lord Ashcroft, who as far as I can see has done nothing wrong, and gives Labour an easy ride. It takes me back to the tales we had of the champagne bottles in 1997 and I’m afraid the BBC remains biased and fails to ask the proper questions of those who are currently in power."

More at Biased BBC, do follow the link...


Craig said...

A Tory backbencher shows the way for his frontbench. They should all be following his example.

DB said...

Heh, I thought about using "Imagine" as my header.