
Friday 5 March 2010

"In any other decade, a house price bubble would have pushed Britain from boom to bust…."

Those are some of the words that Gordon Brown used in his 2005 speech to the Labour Party Conference. Here's a fuller version:
"Why has it been that at every point since 1997 faced with the Asian crisis, the IT collapse, a stock exchange crash, an American recession, last year a house price bubble, this year rising world oil prices, why has it been that at every point since 1997 Britain uniquely has continued to grow?

In any other decade, a house price bubble would have pushed Britain from boom to bust….

I tell you, it is because with Bank of England independence, cutting debt, fiscal discipline and the New Deal this Labour government has shown the strength to take the tough long-term decisions, that inflation is low, interest rates are low, growth has been sustained in every year, and we are closer than ever to the goal which drives us forward: the goal of full employment for our generation.

Labour, the natural party for economic strength in our country today."

The man was deluded then, he seemed to believe that he had abolished boom and bust and was the new great helmsman. If he showed any remorse, any humility I might be prepared to forgive him; but he doesn't, so I won't.

The Labour party and their willing friends in the BBC are happy to move on from discussing the economic collapse of the UK, to instead discuss Lord Ashcroft over and over again. The blogosphere must keep Gordon Brown's economic record in the spotlight and keep up the pressure.

Here's some video...

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