
Thursday 4 March 2010

James Delingpole and George Monbiot disagree about Man Made Climate Change

"Climate Science is not... about science, not about rigour... not about pursuit of truth, it's about politics" - well said James Delingpole.


Paul said...

It's nice to see the beeb being as biased as usual. You can see who's side they've taking, allowing Monbiot the chance to set out his argument in film first

Allison said...

The bias is staggering!

xenisega said...

What a whitewash THAT was. James Delingpole had given visitors to his Daily Telegraph blog a "heads up" about his appearance on the Politics Show.

First impressions of a short, pro-AGW "debate" were of an uncharacteristically mute Andrew Neil, a propganda film-ette by Monbiot, and a very brief discussion. Knowing Delingpoles sceptic stance, and the strength of his blog, I was expecting at least a brief scrap, but after what seemed like seconds it was all over, with no-one really saying anything of worth, whilst all the time, little screen messages kept appearing abou Monbiot's "achievements", oh, and he was present for the wholw programme.
The bias was almost tangible.

xenisega said...

What a whitewash THAT was. James Delingpole had given visitors to his Daily Telegraph blog a "heads up" about his appearance on the Politics Show.

First impressions of a short, pro-AGW "debate" were of an uncharacteristically mute Andrew Neil, a propganda film-ette by Monbiot, and a very brief discussion. Knowing Delingpoles sceptic stance, and the strength of his blog, I was expecting at least a brief scrap, but after what seemed like seconds it was all over, with no-one really saying anything of worth, whilst all the time, little screen messages kept appearing abou Monbiot's "achievements", oh, and he was present for the wholw programme.
The bias was almost tangible.

Anonymous said...

Delingpole is a complete tool. Hope you weren't expecting anything other than his usual dribble.