
Monday 15 March 2010

"Look Out for the Forces of Hell, My Lord"

Iain Martin in the Wall Street Journal warns Lord Adonis to be careful and points out the links between the Unite trade union, especially 'Charlie Whelan, head of the political department at Unite who is also back at the Prime Minister’s right hand as a top election adviser.', Unite's £11 million in donations to Labour since 2007 and Gordon Brown's silence about the strike.

As Iain Martin writes
"People might draw the conclusion that there’s a fight going on about this strike in government and the party, with the remaining New Labourites not very happy with Charlie Whelan’s Unite. And then there’s all that money the union causing the strike is giving Labour to pay for its election campaign (did I mention this?)

Goodness, this could easily turn very nasty indeed. The press has started to cover the affair and the public might start to notice soon too. People might even get the impression that Adonis, an arch-Blairite, is not prepared to let the union of an arch-Brownite such as Charlie Whelan hold his party and the travelling public to ransom.

But I would be careful if I was Lord Adonis. If he doesn’t pipe down pronto, someone might unleash the “forces of hell” on him."

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