
Friday 5 March 2010

News interviewing that makes a pleasant change from the BBC and Channel4

Tim Bradby of ITV News writes:
"We corner Mandelson…

04 Mar, 2010

Speaking of asking Labour some difficult questions, we just put Lord Mandelson on the spot. Here’s the transcript:

TB; ‘You talk about transparency, well we have been asking the Labour Party for some days whether your donors, like Ronnie Cohen, are non-doms or not. We haven’t got an answer, so perhaps you’d like to give us one sitting here.’

Lord M; ‘The Labour Party should give the information about its donors in the way that–’

TB; ‘It hasn’t.’

Lord M; ‘In the way that it is required to do and in response to legitimate questions.’

TB; ‘Let me ask you; is that a legitimate question? Be fair. Is it legitimate for us, given all this, to ask whether your donors are paying full tax on their worldwide income?’

Lord M; ‘I think it is perfectly legitimate.’

TB; ‘What’s the answer?’

Lord M; ‘How do I know what the answer is?’

And later:

TB; ‘Are you saying that all labour party donors should be full tax payers; ie, paying tax on their worldwide income in this country? And if they aren’t, should the Labour Party pay the money back?’

Lord M; ‘What I’m saying is that Labour Party donors should be clear and upfront about what they are donating, what their domicile or tax status is, or whatever, just as donors who give money to the Conservative Party should be.’

We have since asked the Labour Party to confirm which of their donors are non-doms and have, once again, received no answer"

Odd how the BBC and Channel 4 prefer to ignore the Labour non-doms issue, preferring to just look at Lord Ashcroft. Anyone might conclude that the BBC and Jon Snow wanted to see Labour returned to power.

1 comment:

CrazyDaisy said...

Thanks, nice to see someone with a conscience, GMTV Ben Shepherd is also one for giving the likes of the PM and Ed Balls a roughing up.

Nice to see that its changing from the forced bubblegum mind sapping crap that Martin Frizzel was happy to push out - bet he's a Labourite like his wife....

Sorry for dumbing down the post talking about GMTV, I tend not to watch it but other members of the household do!