
Tuesday 2 March 2010

“Remember: The Chancellor is mad.”

According to The Express:
"Mr Rawnsley also revealed senior Cabinet colleagues believed Mr Brown was mentally unstable. Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, is said to have told Mr Blair to put up a sign saying: “Remember: The Chancellor is mad.”

And he hints at the origin of a comment that caused uproar in 1998, when a “secret No10 source” said Mr Brown was “psychologically flawed”.

Spin doctor Alistair Campbell had “always publicly denied it was he who called Brown psychologically flawed”, wrote Mr Rawnsley, adding: “He had to maintain this line to remain in his job.” Mr Blair, he said, was “entirely in agreement with the assessment. Blair told a friend that ‘psychological flaws’ was not the half of it”."

Is this true, did Lord Mandelson really suggest that Tony Blair put up a sign saying “Remember: The Chancellor is mad.”? If he did then why is he keeping this man in his position of Prime Minister? If he did not suggest that then I presume he will be suing Andrew Rawnsley for misrepresentation, and if this is the case I will gladly delete this post.

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