
Tuesday 9 March 2010

Three examples of left-wing hypocricy

1. The BBC, the Guardian et al are now letting up on their attacks on Lord Ashcroft, have you haerd any similar attacks on Lakshmi Mittal? Mr Mittal is, I believe, a non-dom but shhh don't tell the British public, they might note vote Labour.

2. The Guardian attacks Rupert Murdoch's newspapers for siding with the Conservatives saying that it is to their financial advantage to do so. As Conservative Home points out via a quotation from The Telegraph:
"A change in Government after next year’s general election is likely to be disastrous for the Guardian’s revenue from public sector job adverts, on which it has long depended, as the Conservatives have strongly hinted they will save money by moving much of the advertising online."
Never a word about this aspect on the BBC of course, who continue to treat The Guardian as their house paper - see Beeb Bias Craig.

3. The BBC are angry at the way that Lord Ashcroft funds the Conservative party's interests in marginal seats but less censorious of the way that the Unite Trade Union, under the steering of Gordon Brown's ex spin-doctor, Charlie Whelan, has funded the Labour party in those same seats (or similar). The question that I would like answered is how much of that money comes from the 'Union modernisation fund'?

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