
Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Who is Samuel Coates?

Whenever I get an email alerting me to a comment awaiting publication on this blog and it is from an anonymous or unknown gmail user, their name shows as "SamuelCoates" and their email address as "". Why "SamuelCoates"?


SamuelCoates said...


This is odd, I think I've probably commented on here once?

ChrisM said...

There was a Samuel Coates who was deputy editor of Conservative Home.
It may be him or someone pretending to be him.

Not a sheep said...

I know that a "Samuel Coates" did once or twice comment on this blog and I know there was (probably) another Samuel Coates who was deputy editor of CH BUT why are all anonymous commenters on my blog shown as "SamuelCoates" in my Gmail?

subrosa said...

You're having techy problems today I can see NaS. Just don't accept anonymous comments then Mr Coates should go away.