
Wednesday 9 June 2010

How are Labour's leadership elections going? (09.06.10 12:30 update - the end of nominations)

Most oddly the state of play on the Labour party website is not as it was last night but is seemingly not updated. The site shows this:

Diane Abbott - 32 (+ 21) - A big surge but one short... even with David Miliband's whilehearted support

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham -33 (+ 5) - Nominated

John McDonnell - 0 (-16) - Apparently withdrawn in favour of a woman going through to the next stage. Absolutely nothing to do with seemingly advocating the murder of Lady Thatcher and excusing IRA terrorism is still popular within the Labour party

David Miliband - 81 (+10) - Still ahead of his younger, even smugger, brother; nominated Diane Abbott so not totally convinced he is the right man for the job

Ed Miliband - 63 (+ 6) - Regaining momentum and so probably even smugger

I will report when/if the labour party sort out their website. Can't run the Country, can't even update a website competently!

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