
Monday 7 June 2010

How are labour's leadership elections going? (07.06.10 17:30 update)

As of 17:30 update today:
Diane Abbott - 8 (+ 1) - Keith Vaz! Do you really want this slimeball's nomination? The man who claimed more than £75,500 in expenses for a flat in Westminster despite his family home being a £1.15 million house just 12 miles from parliament. The man who was accused by The Guardian that when he was the chairman of the home affairs select committee, of having sought the private views of Gordon Brown for an independent report into government plans to extend the detention of terror suspects beyond 28 days. The man who ...

Ed Balls - 33 (no change) - still no nomination from Gordon Brown, can he not decide who to damn with his vote?

Andy Burnham - 23 (+ 1) - getting ever closer Andy, well done you.

John McDonnell - 10 (no change) - See my earlier postings about John McDonnell and his recent statement about assassinating Lady Thatcher in the 1980s and his 2003 remarks about excusing IRA terrorism

David Miliband - 63 (+ 1) - Still ahead of your younger, even smugger, brother.

Ed Miliband - 49 (no change) - no momentum today, have you peaked Ed? Still smug though?

Only three days left to get to 33 nominations for Diane Abbott, Andy Burnham and John McDonnell; I wonder which (if any) will make it...

Here's some video of Diane Abbott literally laughing behind Keith Vaz's back

1 comment:

Grant said...

She looks as if she is on drugs or a vibrator !