
Wednesday 9 June 2010

Just a small example but how many more such examples are there?

The Mail reports that:
'TEENAGE girls have been taught how to walk in high heels as part of a Government-funded college course.

The bizarre six-week 'Sexy Heels In The City' course was offered to 16-year-old students at South Thames College in South London.

It claims to prepare young women 'for the business world and their social lives' but has already been blasted as 'pointless' and 'a waste of time'.

The course is run by Chyna Whyne, a former backing singer, who claims her life was made a misery because she wasn't taught how to walk in high heels at a young age.'

1 comment:

Grant said...

Do they teach how to put shoes on and take them off properly and that when walking, it is advisable to put one foot after the other ?