
Monday 21 January 2013

"Don't you know this is a Muslim area... You're walking through a Muslim area dressed as a fag... you're a gay mate... you bloody fag... "

On Friday I posted this disturbing video of Islamist vigilantees trying to enforce Sharia Law regarding alcohol and women's dress in the East end of London. Today I see that homosexuals have also been targeted by followers of the religion of tolerance:
Yes it's only a minority of  Muslims who act like this but I am still awaiting some BBC coverage of the hatred being openly expressed on the streets of London. You just know that if it was the BNP or EDL insulting a gay man, it would be headline news on the BBC.BBC bia

1 comment:

TrT said...

I've long said, I'm ok with an islamic theocracy, I have to grow a beard and take a little nap during prayer 5 times a day.

Its the BBC and its special interest groups who are fucked.

A "slut walk" through Riyad or Tehran would end with tens of thousands stoned to death